Mobile App Demos

This is a collection of mobile apps I've made to practice working with Swift. Projects range from the simple, obligatory to-do app, and reach as far as machine learning and AR.

To-Do App

A simple, colorful to-do app. Create categories and to-do's within each category. Check them off when done, or swipe to delete.

Weather App

Integrates with a weather api to show the current temperature and weather conditions. By default, uses current location, but can be set to any location.

HotDog, Not HotDog

Take a photo and learn if the object you photographed is or is not a hotdog. App makes use of standard Apple CoreML for object identification.

WhatFlower App

Take a photo and identify what flower is in the photo. The app makes use of a pretrained flower classification ML model. Once identified, the app reaches out to Wikipedia and retrieves a short description and image of the identified flower.

AR Ruler

Measure the distance between two points in a physical space.

Dice AR

Dice in augmented reality. Random dice rolled and placed on a plane when the screen is tapped.

Poke AR

Built in Unity3D, this app makes use of Vuforia to identify a predetermined plane (i.e. business card), and if found, places a 3d model at that location.